Many individuals were touched by taking part in this event and look forward to continued support of the American Cancer Society and other "Relay for Life" events. After the event Brodie Malatt commented,
“Personally, it was amazing to see the other survivors there. It was inspiring. Some were years into remission, while others still were growing back their hair from chemotherapy. It gave you this feeling of hope.”
As an organization, we are very proud of our members who donated to this great cause and those who attended the event. This just goes to show that when a group of individuals come together and focus on a common goal, good things happen. Congratulations to the University of Iowa for raising $26,137.42, and congratulations to Kappa Sigma for raising $3,485.00! As great basketball coach and cancer patient Jim Valvano once said, "Don't give up. Don't ever give up."

Written By:
Jordan Kloewer
April 6, 2016