August 2 -- The Beta-Rho chapter of Kappa Sigma is extremely excited to announce the opening of our fraternity house on 716 N Dubuque St. After a summer of intense renovations, the structure looks nearly brand new. As of yesterday, our brothers living in the house this fall were able to become the first Beta-Rho members to live in 716. We are very proud of this acquisition and think it will be a huge next step as we continue to make an impact on the University of Iowa campus.
Pictured above: completely renovated kitchen
Two and a half short years ago, the Beta-Rho chapter was re-chartered at Iowa and we were formally recognized by the university. Our chapter started out as a small group of around 20-30 friends who vowed to start and develop this fraternity. We were re-chartered on March 29, 2014 and have come a long ways since that point. The pictures below are of the original Founding Fathers composite that is now proudly displayed on our mantle:
Our fraternity is now officially a housed chapter and a chapter made up of around 100 brothers. We have dedicated countless hours and funds to the Iowa City community and other national organizations such as Kids Around the World, Relay for Life, the Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign, and more. As we continue to grow, we continue to pride ourselves on being a tight knit group of young men. We would like to take this time to recognize all of our leaders and dedicated members who have done everything in their will to continue to push Kappa Sigma forward. We would like to especially recognize Steve Moioffer and Grant Miller for their involvement in the entire housing search process.
Pictured above: Top - hallway to the bedrooms; Bottom - main floor living room
Grand Master (President) Tom Maigaard had this to say about the effect that 716 N Dubuque St will have on the Beta-Rho chapter:
"The new house will be a fantastic asset for our fraternity in the coming semesters. We now have a centralized location that we can use to further develop the components of our organization dealing with camaraderie, education, and alumni relations. Needless to say, we are all very excited to have this new property going into the future."Thank you for your continued support of Kappa Sigma at the University of Iowa. The future is bright, and we look forward to many years of continued success at 716 N Dubuque St.
Visit the University of Iowa Kappa Sigma website to learn more!
Article By: Jordan Kloewer
Former Grand Master
Public Relations Chair
Former Grand Master
Public Relations Chair