Greetings parents of Kappa Sigma,
My name is Max Stecker and I am the Parent Relations Chair of the Kappa Sigma Beta - Rho fraternity. I am reaching out to you guys for a few reasons today, first to introduce myself to you and answer any questions you may have for this upcoming semester for your son. Second, I would like to discuss the plans the fraternity has for this semester and some of our events that we hope you can attend, such as Mother's weekend.
As stated above, my name is Max Stecker. I am from the western suburbs of Minneapolis. I grew up playing hockey and lacrosse, and love hunting and fishing. I am in my second semester of my freshmen year at the University of Iowa, and I could not have asked for a better start to my college experience, especially after joining a fraternity with such a superb group of young leaders. This fraternity has already pushed me to become a better man, and I hope by taking this chair position my responsibility will be tested.
Upcoming for this semester for Kappa Sigma:
We hope to continue to stress the importance of our grades and academics. Last semester we achieved a total GPA of 2.93 as a chapter, which is well above most fraternities at this University, and I can only imagine it will continue to rise. We have a great group of over 15 guys who plan on graduating this upcoming semester, and we could not be more proud of all of them.
As many of you may have heard from your son, Kappa Sigma is on the brink of closing the deal on a fraternity house for next year . The location of the house is 716 N Dubuque St., if you are interested on taking a look at the location. There would be around 20 kids living in the house, but nothing is set in stone yet. Their is still a lot of paperwork, deals, and contracts to be worked out; but as a chapter, we are confident that everything will work out in our favor.
I have talked to the chapter about our annual Mother's Weekend, last year we had it during the April 23 and 24th weekend. This year that weekend will not work because our formal is that weekend. With that being said, we would really appreciate all of the mothers to come down in April so we are able to be outside and enjoy the great Iowa spring weather. If I could get a reply of what weekend would work best from a majority of the Mothers that would be greatly appreciated. Essentially, every weekend in April besides the 22nd and 23rd works to host Mother's Weekend in Iowa City. I will have more information on the events and activities we will have planned for the weekend, but for now I would like to get a date figured out that works best for the majority.
I apologize for the long email, but I felt it was necessary to inform you guys on the upcoming semester. If you have any questions regarding Mother's Weekend, the fraternity house, or anything else stated above, please do not hesitate to email me. Lastly, Moms please look at your calendars and let me know which weekend works best for you. I am looking forward to meeting all of you and am excited for the upcoming semester. Go Hawks!
Max Stecker
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